Age: 10
Sex: Female
Height: 131 cm
Weight: 22kg
Rouge is here to deliver toys…I guess
You know, I just can't make sense out of Rouge's plot or ending. Someone tell me what she's doing here!
Rouge is this game's cute little girl character. However, she's practically a company mascot (It's made by a company called "Santa Clause" after all…), thus she is NOT weak! She actually has her own dress up game of some sort availible for download off of the Santa Clause website. I belive it's called "Rouge Kitz Room". Anyway, she seems to be in love with Coco (or they could just be good friends) and is the combo queen of this game.
She also looks a lot like Roll in this picture. However, she's A LOT stronger than Roll is.
You know…putting ice on a wound really won't help in this situation.
When you play as Rouge, you will immediately notice that she is quite fast. Her attacks all come out very fast. Most characters can only combo the X and A button attacks when you go into super mode, Rouge can combo A,X,B,Y and almost C and Z! As previously stated, she is a combo queen. None of her attacks do much damage, but she can send them out so fast that it doesn't matter! Her Supers are also rather good too!
This is her Snow Ball attack, she shoots 3 HUGE snow balls out of her Bag. Not the most damaging attack, but it's hard to dodge, and if you try to block all 3, your guard will usually break.
This is her other super, The Bag O' Goodies! Giant presants fly out of her bag. They go up and then fall down. Each present does good damage, although it's hard to hit with more than one of them. If all of them hit, however, your opponent will be in a world of hurt. My best suggestion? Get underneath your opponent and preform this attack! Works like a charm!
However, chances are that you will use more super bars on super mode with Rouge, rather than her actual Supers.
While all this may make Rouge seem like an overpowered character, she is not. The characters in this game are very evened out. Rouge's weakness is that her attacks do very little damage, you have to learn how to combo in a way other than rapidly mashing 'A' in order to do any sort of damage here.