Galaxy Fight Packaging
The front cover of the NeoGeo CD version. Roomi looks a bit bizzare all painted like that, but overall, I like the cover. Mostly because of how it all goes together. It really looks epic.
Not really art, but I find the back funny. This is the back of the NeoGeo CD case. This sounds so melodramatic it's funny. "speed through the field of infinity.", sounds like J-Pop lyrics to me. Heck it could be a song. I like that!
*sings: Dash through the sky! Speed through the field of infinity! Flash in the night! It's all right...SHOW ME YOUR MIGHT!
The Japanese Sega Saturn version cover. I'll scan a better one when my scanner decides to work. I like the art in this one better than the Neo Geo CD version, but the arrangement isn't as dramatic. I like that Kazuma is front and center and note how Juri doesn't look ugly in this picture! GASP! Best picture of Alvaan yet too! But Rolf looks a bit...Psycho...It almost looks like Kazuma used his ninja speed to dash in front of Rolf before the picture was taken, and Rolf doesn't look happy about it.
The cover of the Galaxy Fight Soundtrack. I like how this picture looks. Juri actually looks pretty good, Alvaan looks very heroic, and Roomi is looking great! Kazuma looks cool too, but I think he just tripped over Rolf's foot. He shall have his revenge though, as he shouts "Foot....CHOP YOU INTO PIECES!".
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