After the psuedo failure that was Galaxy Fight, Sunsoft apparently realized something, EVERYONE picked Roomi. They liked Roomi, the happy cheery one who doesn't fit in with the dark setting of Galaxy Fight. Bonus-Kun and Yacopu were probably high on the list of favorite charcters as well. They realized that happy was better, happy was good, and happy was what Sunsoft is good at. Thus, they created Waku Waku 7, A game where Roomi would fit in perfectly with the rest of the nutball cast. Sure it had less characters, but it also took advantage of the new fighting systems of the time like Superbars and chip damage. The game mostly resembles the Vampire, or Darkstalkers, series in it gameplay. Take Darkstalkers, make it happy and crazy and speed it up a bit and you get Waku Waku 7. Waku Waku 7 used the more common punch and kick configuration as opposed to Galaxy Fight's labeless system. It had walls and other things that made it more like the rest of the fighter. It utilized simple moves that were told to the player on the select screen so that it was easy to pickup and play. And the AI, while good, was not as harsh as Galaxy Fight's. the characters are also more balanced making Waku Waku 7 a far more plesant experience. Mind you, the team at Sunsoft still hated corner traps, and so they made the stages larger and allowed players to make walls their friends rather than their foes. Waku Waku 7 had many strong attacks that sent players flying to the other end of the stage. However, players could take advantage of the walls and either recover and not take damage from hitting them, of bounce off and fly right back at the enemy and switching the initiative over to them.Waku Waku 7 also featured a counter for the pursuit attack system adopted from Darkstalkers, the get up attack. When you hold a direction while getting up, you can slide to the left, right, or do a high priority attack aimed upwards, sucesfully cancelling a pursuit. Waku Waku 7 is a lot deeper than most people see once you get into it. It's a very very fun game. Unfortunately, I've never seen it in American arcades and it was never released on a console in America. Thus, few people ever got to enjoy the game in a way that would profit the company that created it, Sunsoft. More than likely, the few arcades that had the opprotunity to buy it decided that it looked too "fruity" and din't want to waste money they could spend on a random shooter or the next Samurai Showdown or King Of Fighters for their Neo Geo systems. Too bad, I would have spent a lot of money just so I could groove out to Arina's song! Now, Waku Waku 7 is a cult emulation classic. It's colorful graphics, splendid music, and simple to get into, but deep and fun enough to keep you occupied, gameplay made it a favorite among anyone with a Neo Geo emulator.