Waku Waku 7 Packaging
A Japanese Waku Waku 7 flyer. I love how Arina looks in this picture.
Another Japanese Waku Waku 7 flyer. This is also the Saturn version cover art. Arina looks a bit odd, but nice in this pic. I actually kinda like how Rai looks here too! Dandy-J looks scarey and Natsumi looks scared. I don't like how Slash or Tesse look here though.
The cover of the Neo Geo home version. I WANT IT!!! But it's $400 at the cheapest! I've seen it for $650 before and I hear that It's gone for up to $1500!!! "Hyper Active Action Game" I think best describes WakuWaku7 here! I wish I had a bigger unobstructed version of that pic on the back. I love how Slash and Natsumi look in it!
A Waku Waku 7 ad. I still adore that center pic. I think the full image (i.e.: If you save it to your hard drive) is bigger, but Word keeps down scaling it! I REALLY LOVE THAT CENTER PIC! It's the best pic there is of Natsumi and it even has Arina's friends in it! If you look at the mini-ad in here for the soundtrack, there's ANOTHER piece of Waku art! And Natsumi is clearly shown in it! I WANT IT! (Can you tell that I like Natsumi?)
How to play Waku Waku 7 (In Japanese). I wish they would have colored Arina better!
Waku Waku 7 control card. WHY DIDN'T THEY RELEASE THIS GAME IN AMERICA!!! (Okay, yeah, there's the Neo Geo version, but it was never marketed! DANGIT! I'VE NEVER SEEN IT IN ARCADES!!!)
NEWSFLASH! There IS a true U.S. Waku Waku 7 shown here. I'm currently looking for a scan of that instruction card (It must have Engrish on it!)
Allright! My wish was ALMOST granted! I have a bigger pic of that art and I LOVE IT! I just wish it wasn't obstructed by words. As you can see, A very nice pic of Natsumi is shown here, Rai looks psycho and Arina looks a bit crazy, but neat because she's Arina. And her freainds are even shown! AMAZING! And I love that center Tesse. Now if I could only find the cover of the soundtrack… OH! And by the way, this is the back of the flyer at the top of the page.
Another great flyer!
Back of the above flyer. Note that the character portraits are the same as the ones from the BG. Nice pics! I like how Arina and Natsumi look.
The Saturn cover art.
It's the cover to the Final Capture Bible! The picture is the same as the Saturn Cover Art. The art looks a bit crazy, but it fits the theme of Waku Waku 7. At least Natsumi is in this picture.