Arina Makihara


"The Blazing Tomboy"



Arina is a Junior High student. She goes to the same school as Rai and picks on him a lot. She took fighting as part of her P.E. class and has obtained one of the seven Waku Waku Balls. She now fights with a burning passion to collect all the balls. Her wish is to fall in love.

BeHIND Me ?!?!?!

Okay, First of all I would like to say one thing: ARINA DOES NOT LIKE RAI! Many people think she has a crush on Rai, THIS IS NOT TRUE! Rai is a dork and I'm sure we all argee, AND WE'RE OTAKU! (okay, maybe not ALL of us are true Otaku, but I sure as hell am and I think Rai is the dorkiest dork dorker this side of dorksville…did that make any sense?) If you want proof that Arina hates Rai, look at the sheer number of times she kicks his ass! Not to mention, she is quite mean to him. As for that heart in her quote when she beats Rai? Sarcasm! It's SOAKED with sarcasm! Trust me, if you actually PAY ATTENTION, you will realize that Arina really isn't intrested in Rai. Just wanted to get that off my chest since everyone thinks that she has a crush on him. MAYBE Rai has a crush on Arina, but Arina is really NOT intrested in that moron.


Anyone ever notice the school dress code? I think that the Junior High that Arina and Rai goto has a dress code. White and Red jacket and goggles seem to be the school dress code, JUST LOOK AT RAI'S BACKGROUND AND ARINA'S FRIENDS! And fingerless gloves are IN STYLE in Waku City.


Arina is a great character because she is a parody of so many things. First, some of her "floofy" attacks seem to parody Sailor Moon. And let's not forget that Sailor Moon's Japanese name is Usagi which translates to "Rabbit". Arina's rabbit ears not only parody that, but they also parody Bunny Girls, a reoccuring theme in many animes. She also has double the "Flying Peach" attacks: "Hehe~n" (her jumping kick) and "Hip Springer" (one of her throws) both involve whacking the enemy with her butt. Nothing is more fun than killing your opponent by whacing them with your ass!

The ass is a lethal weapon!

Arina's looks may also seem familiar. She dresses A LOT like Allenby Beardsly from G Gundam (the pilot of Noble Gundam). Heck, she ACTS like Allenby! She also seems inspired by the main character of Battle Athletes Victory, especially the hair.

Any relation to the above pic is PURELY coincidental...I guess...


Arina fights as though she was the missing Shoto. She has all 3 of the shoto moves: Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumekisepuukyakuu. However, Arina's versions are more "floofy". Her projectile can be shot upwards, downwards and straight ahead. Not only that, but it can be charged. However, her pprojectile does very little damage unless charged and is easy to dodge. Hey uppercut is pretty darn good, but her strength lies in her Hurricane Kick. It's a wonderful move! The EX version of the Arina Hurricane is devistating, thus making her the lost shoto. Ryu has fireballs, Ken has uppercuts, and Arina has hurricane kicks! ARINA RULES!


Convinitent WakuWaku7 Character select move list! I'll post the rest of the move names later...


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