Home Planet: Airrass (sometimes called Atlas)
Age : 25
Height : 180 cm
Weight : 81 kg
Kazuma is a Ninja. And there are a few things you need to know about Ninjas: First, Ninjas are mammals…
Kazuma: …
Okay fine I'll stop…
Kazuma is a Ninja from Airrass out to avenge his father's death. He is Rolf's rival.
Kazuma is the king of cheese ninjas! Almost every fighting game has the bland ninja, but few are as bland as Kazuma. Kazuma is so bland that he kicks ass. Seriously! Almost all he says is "CHOP YOU INTO PIECES!" Kazuma has thus become Galaxy Fight's mascot. Also, it appears Ninjas like spouting bad poetry at their enemies. 2 grand examples are Hanzo's famous "O, the desolation. A heartless world indeed." And now Kazuma's new classic: "Such a life, such a death."
Personally, I think the cliché ninja is highly underrated. I mean yeah, they're bland as all blandness, but they're always there for you. Think about it! A new fighting game comes into your local arcade and the timer is running low fast, why not reach for an ice cold NINJA! They may be bland, but they always have the "Ninja Coolness Factor" thus not making you look like a fool like you would if the timer ran out on some royal dumb ass like Joker from Savage Reign or Zangeif in Street Fighter, the ninja is always there for you. Not only that, but they are almost always a good character. Sure, their moves are usually the same "Chuck-A-Shuriken" & "1337 Ninja Teleport", but those are pretty good moves when you think about it. Heck, I was tempted to make a site devoted to cliché ninjas with a listing of a whole lot of them, their moves, and a cliché-ness rating. However, that would take too much work and would generate next to no intrest…
Here's a fun little Kazuma detail:
How Handy!
Kazuma: WHAT YOU SAY! I sense a silly spat ahead…CHOP Y-…WOW!
Kazuma: That was just a junk of the empire! What junk! Only useful for junk collecting junk men, thus I…CHOP YOU INTO PIECES!
Let this be a lesson to you…
James: KYA!!! Don't Chop me into pieces!
B - Oniyarai
C - Mizuchi
Down-Forward +A - Tensui
Down-Forward+B -Bassohanshu
Down-Forward+C - Chikokagesetsu
Special Moves
+ANY - Blade Storm
+ANY - Ninja Replicant
+ANY - Hurricane Destruction (can be done in the air)
+D (at close range) - Ninja Death Tornado
Go back to the WakuWakuAstraGalaxy…CHOP YOU INTO PEICES!