Height: 11cm
Weight: 300g
Lon is an intresting robot. He's the only one with a weapon and fights deadly and stylishly. He's the "Ancient Kung Fu Master" of the game. He almost never uses his hands as they are almost always behind his back.
I didn't really like Lon at first. He always kicked my ass and didn't really look all that impressive. However, when I tried Lon out, I was hooked. His moves were fun and intresting. I especially like his nunchaku twirling move and his version of Adon' Jaguar Kick (or Jager Kick…or maybe Jyger? He's too shreiky). However, the best part of Lon is his throw:
Did you see that?! It took me awhile to figure out what happened. At first I thought that he had grabbed a power-up from Mega Man, then I thought he dropped a grenade on the opponent (equally cool), THEN I figured it out! He reached into his opponent, ripped out their "heart", spun around, and dropped it on the ground! THAT WAS SO COOL! Also, he likes to imitate Akuma with his glowing symbol on his back, I wonder hat it means?
Other than that, Lon is an overall good character, fast, rather powerful, and has some good move variety. Also, he has Adon's Jaguar Leg super as well. His only flaw is his weak defence. So hit hard, hit strong, and hit FAST!
Special Moves
+Any - Aura Wave
+Any - Lightning Kick (Jaguar Leg)
+Any - Nunchakus
Super Moves
+Any - Super Lon Punch
+Any - Super Lon Kick (Adon's Super)
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