Height: 187cm
Weight: 62kg
Age: 23yrs
Gender: XXMAL (?!)
Likes: Wandering, Rice and Tempura
Dislikes: Old people, Evil things, The Cursed, Fernandez
What happens when you take a completely normal and serious character and plop him into a wacky game like Waku Waku 7? You get Slash. He's your typical Bishounen that everyone loves. There's nothing "Zany" about him! He's cool, he has a laser katana, and is just neat looking. HOWEVER, when you’re a demon hunter hunting Fernandez, things tend to go crazy…
See what I mean! Also, he's sort of his own oxymoron. He's a monster hunter from the monster world. Let's just assume they ment Magical world, or demon world, or something like that.
Slash is a stylish character. His elegant laser katana slices foes without mercy. He's got tons of finesse and is just plain cool. The best part is his sheer out of place-ness in Waku Waku 7. He acts the way he usually would with his "My destiny" crap as usual…then things go wrong because he's in Waku Waku 7! Wonderful! I love how things turn out like that, making a neat but boring character into a highly amusing one.
Here's something that has been bothering me though…when I sent the Waku Waku 7 site through a translator it said his gender was "XXMAL". I noticed Tesse is an "XXFEM (No reproduction capabilities)" according to the website. Does this mean Slash is really an android that can reproduce? Perhaps XXMAL just means "Gender Unknown, looks male". Who knows? Probably Japanese people who can actually read the dang site without a crummy translation program.
Thanks to our good friend, Sanshirou Yamase, I think I've figured it out! Or rather, he explained it. He says:
"He is a man.
The original is a sign.
"XXMAL"="(Mars symbol) is the sign which shows a man in Japan"
"XXFEM"="(Venus symbol) is the sign which shows a woman in Japan"
So, I'm assuming that the translation program displays the mars and venus symbols as XXMAL and XXFEM and that in this case, the symbols mean the person is a male or female from Japan. My only question is…I thought Slash was from the Demon World! Does that mean he's from the Demon World equivilant of Japan?