If there's one word that describes Sunsoft's fighting games, it's Miscillanious! This is a compilation
of all the random crap that I can't fit in any other category. And if you have a suggestion for a diffeent text color, TELL ME!
Japanese Doujinshi (IT'S NOT HENTAI!)
If anyone can translate these, tell me!
Bonus-Kun's Theme Lyrics "Ore Wa Omake!" by James Pilarcik (me!)
I bet these make absolutely NO sence! I wrote them with an overactive mind and a Japanese dictionary.
(Note:These are lyrics I wrote for BONUS-KUN's song. These are NOT the lyrics to Arina's song)
Waku Waku Astra Galactic skins for Well Of Souls.
Go back to the WakuWakuAstraGalaxy